Complying with CSDDD made easy

Establish and execute a sustainable risk management strategy, ensure alignment with CSDDD, create visibility across supplier tiers, and regularly check supplier performance.


EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)


Simplified Due Diligence

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) requires larger EU companies to conduct due diligence on human rights and environmental impacts. It aims to standardize requirements, ensuring responsible business conduct. At product we offer a platform to make it easier to navigate and comply with the CSDDD by creating transparency across each tier of the supply chain and providing knowledge about their alignment with your company's standards.

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Mitigate Risks Effortlessly

Ensure CSDDD Compliance with Product. Our platform streamlines due diligence processes, centralizing data for efficient risk assessment. Easily track and manage supplier information, aligning with CSDDD requirements effortlessly. Simplify compliance and foster responsible business practices with Product.

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How can Product help you comply with CSDDD

Risk assessment

Our “Risk” module in Prduct offers your company a step by step guide, helping you collect what you need, to carry out due diligence in your supply chain. Our module allows you to document, prioritize and assess the risks you have identified in our risk map, providing your company with a superior overview of the risks you face in your supply chain.

Managing risks

Identifying and documenting the risks are not enough, you have to do something about them. There, we have expanded the module, to let you choose which risks you are going to handle, and how you are going to handle them. Create action-plans and document the employee responsible for the task.

Follow-up and communicating your efforts

Lastly, to make sure that you have handled the risks you chose in step 2, you need to carry out follow-up actions, but dont worry, we have a module for that as well. Whats even better is, you can export all the data needed from the risk module, and add them in your reports or communicate them on your website. Communicating your efforts and being transparent is pivotal in the due diligence process.

Are you ready to get started?

Our Sustainability Management Experts are here to answer all the questions you might have about our solution and help you to achieve your sustainability goals

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  • Sustainability score included
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