Complying with EUDR made easy

Develop and implement a sustainable risk management strategy tailored to ensure compliance with the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR)

Simplified Chain of Custody

The European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) requires companies to ensure their products do not contribute to deforestation. This regulation targets seven key raw materials: palm oil, soy, wood, cocoa, coffee, rubber, and beef. Our platform simplifies compliance with EUDR by creating transparency on which products contain a risk, identifying the specific risks related to these raw materials, and providing strategies to mitigate those risks effectively.

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Efficiently monitor your Deforestation Risk

Ensure EUDR Compliance with Our Platform. Our solution streamlines due diligence processes, centralizing data for efficient risk assessment related to deforestation. Easily track and manage supplier information, identify and develop strategies to mitigate them. It allows you to handle these raw materials in batches, add extra information such as certifications, and seamlessly integrate with the EU EUDR due diligence declaration. Simplify compliance and promote sustainable practices with our platform.

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How can Product help you comply with EUDR

Data collection

Collect, store, and manage everything related to your product’s risk materials seamlessly. Use our tools to gather, share, and build high-quality data. By consolidating all information on one platform, you simplify the auditing process and ensure compliance with audit trails. Additionally, integrate and link other critical business systems for a streamlined operation.

Risk Assessment

Our “Risk” module in Prduct offers your company a step by step guide, helping you collect what you need, to carry out due diligence in your supply chain. Our module allows you to document, prioritize and assess the risks you have identified in our risk map, providing your company with a superior overview of the risks you face in your supply chain.

Mitigating Risk

Identifying and documenting the risks are not enough, you have to do something about them. There, we have expanded the module, to let you choose which risks you are going to handle, and how you are going to handle them. Create action-plans and document the employee responsible for the task.

Are you ready to get started?

Our Sustainability Management Experts are here to answer all the questions you might have about our solution and help you to achieve your sustainability goals

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  • Sustainability score included
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